It has come to the 3rd weeks of our product development and we're basically experiencing some downtown time in sourcing for the right pneumatics actuators and power packs. My engineering team - eXpedio Solutions, has been in talks with 5 different automation suppliers and finally, we have decided to go for a Korean company namely, Hydro-Tek. We will be working closely with the Hydro-Tek representative to build the special mini power pack control system. Once that's done, we can work on designing and enclosure to conceal cabling, etc. In the meantime, we've gotten all the dimensions for the parts and can continue with the detailed design.
As our active aerodynamics product required light-weight actuators that come with the right strength to withstand the maximum down-force acted upon it, we're probably going to work with a local pneumatic flow engineering company called WOG Controls. Being the main distributor of CKD Corporations Japan, WOG is a well acknowledged solution provider for pneumatics and fluid controls engineering in South East Asian market.Rest assured, our progress are still within the schedule and we hope to see a fully functional prototype by the end of October.
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