Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Email Accounts & Blogsites

In my latest effort to secure all the available free email accounts and blog sites over the webspace, I've finally and successfully got hold of the following email accounts and blogsites for my upcoming company... *grin*

Emails :
1. vixiousworks@yahoo.com
2. vixiousworks@gmail.com
3. vixiousworks@hotmail.com
4. vixiousdesign@yahoo.com
5. vixiousdesign@gmail.com
6. vixiousdesign@hotmail.com

Blogsites :
1. http://vixiousworks.blogspot.com
2. http://vixiousdesign.blogspot.com
3. http://vixious.wordpress.com

Others :
1. http://profiles.friendster.com/69492949

So, did I miss out anything else? *wink*

Update :

Thanks to Tsyen, I've finally got a FaceBook account and also a YouTube account too... *grin*

Truly grateful for the kind assistance.. *smile*

1 comment:

snowswallow said...

You seem to have register with all the email that is available.. :P

You miss out Facebook. :)