Sunday, September 28, 2008

Home Improvement

Last Saturday has been quite a busy day for me. I've got my home's living room and dining room refurbished with laminated flooring. *grin* Thanks to Lasapka for the introduction of the special flooring, after much persuasion, My wife and I finally decided to floor it! *laugh* The result was fantastic! We chose Toni Beech. The colour is just nice. *wink*

Now, the walls looked kinda sick... will be painting it before Christmas! *smile*

Before laying of laminated flooring

Works in progress

After laying of laminated flooring

The Floor

The Ceiling! *wink*


lasapka said...

Exactly, it is time to make the interior color a special feel. want idea? call me.

Anonymous said...

Nice colour. You and your wife have good taste.

ANGEL_LINA said...

Beautiful home you got there. So lucky!

Btw, you have received an award, the B W A ! Check it out at my blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Nice. What's the damage to your wallet for that?