Monday, November 24, 2008

P!nk My Ride

Hmmm... Ok, this is not my ride. It's my daughter's ride... :P~~


Anonymous said...

So when do you plan on bolting on the turbo kit for that?

Soul Hart said...

Wait I tiok TOTO first... Then I'll be the second person in Miri to install the HKS 570 kit... lolz

cync said...

lol. then it's gonna be the coolest pink ride in miri!!

lasapka said...

found any lucky number printed on the chassis :P lol

Soul Hart said...

Cync, yeah it will be soon... lolz.

Lasapka, aiyaa... 4get to check.. later I go find out... since I'm going to pasang ceramic wheel bearing and Advan AVS Model F7 rims later... lolz...